Wednesday 14 March 2012

I am SO Sorry for Killing You Accidentally!

So, last night I had this pretty out-there dream. Now, I usually think adjectives like "weird" and "strange" are redundant when describing dreams because, hey, all dreams are weird. I've never had a dream where I open the fridge to discover we're out of milk. It just doesn't happen like that. But the dream I had last night was particularly strange. Let me explain.

I guess it actually happened this morning. I set my alarm for 7:00am, but realized after I woke up that I could sleep in for an extra hour or so. That's when things got weird.

My friends and I are in a hotel and we decide we want to go swimming in the pool. There are some floaty pool toys there, and my one friend partially submerges one of them and sits on the submerged part. I decided it would be pretty funny to jump on the part that was not submerged, but this was actually a terribly not-funny idea. Want to know why? Because I had launched her out of the pool and head-first into the wall. I got out and went over to see if she was okay, but she was as dead as a dead thing.

Now I'm freaking out because, dear God, I killed my friend! I leave to find someone to help and when I return, her body has somehow disintegrated into something that looks like this
Mostly bones with a bit of skin, and she still had some hair on her head but not a lot. I had brought over two of my friends, who also freaked out when they saw her. Then everyone got really sad, and I remember not knowing how I was going to tell her significant other that I had killed her. And I cried, and they cried, and for the next little bit I just wandered around town moping.

BUT THEN, something incredible happened. It had dawned on me that this wasn't reality. I was in a dream, and I was aware of it! I thought, YES, I didn't actually kill my friend!!!! Then I thought, HOLY SH*T, I CAN LUCID DREAM!!!

So I tried to fly, but couldn't. Then I tried to teleport to a really cool place, but I ended up in a really kinda boring place. I thought, what the heck! I'm dreaming lucidly, shouldn't I be in control? This only happens once in a while, and usually when I realize I'm dreaming, I wake up. So I got really frustrated and just woke up. 

Does that happen to anyone else?!

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