Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Three Movies that Should Be

Many movies nowadays are based off of other sources, like books, television shows, toys, and video games. It is safe to say that Hollywood won't run out of source material any time soon, but what should their next big production be? That's where I come in. This is a list of three movies that should be!

1: Portal (and Portal 2)
Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Mila Kunis, Ellen McLain, Stephen Merchant, J. K. Simmons

Christopher Nolan is really good at making movies that are out of the ordinary. Scratch that- he's just really good at making movies period. He's made great adaptations to previously famous materials before (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) so there should be few issues in that department. And if you've ever played Portal, you know that is unlike any other mainstream game out there. It forces you to think- it is not a button masher like other first-person shooters. Creating a movie based on this games plays to all of Nolan's strengths as a director; just recall the mind-blowingness of Inception and you'll have an idea of how this movie would likely play out.

As for the actors, McLain, Simmons and Merchant were the voices of GLaDOS/Caroline, Cave Johnson, and Wheatley respectively. GLaDOS and Wheatley would probably be CGI, so keeping the same voice actors should be fine. As for Cave Johnson and Caroline, there could be some snippets of them together, and maybe (SPOILER) they could show some of Caroline's transformation into GLaDOS. J.K Simmons has acted on-screen in big-budget films already (Spiderman 1, 2, and 3), so it should be no problem for him. Finally, Mila Kunis has portrayed many different characters in her career, and she's portrayed them very well. Putting her in any role is a good idea, and the fact that she looks kind of like Chell is a bonus too.

Drawbacks: Chell doesn't speak. This was initially intended so that the player would be able to insert his or herself into the game, so it would be a more personal experience. Even Chell's name isn't mentioned at all in the game (I don't think.) So do we have her speak? Or does she remain silent?

Also, the cast is very small; at most it would be five or so people. The whole cast- if I remember correctly- was Chell and GLaDOS in the first game, and Wheatley, Cave Johnson, and Caroline joined them in the second game.

Finally, it would be really great if all of the original voice cast could be in this film, but Ellen McLain doesn't look like Caroline. Caroline is supposed to look like this:
A dark-haired lady in her late twenties/early thirties. Ellen McLain looks like this:
A fair-haired lady in her forties or so (I actually couldn't find her actual age.) 
I suppose another actress could replace her for the Caroline parts, but I feel like that would take away from the authenticity of the film.

REGARDLESS, this movie should be!

2: Battle Royale
Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Original cast

Now, I know what you're thinking. Battle Royale has already been a film twice, and one of them was really good! It was all the gore and insanity of the original source material, so why remake something that was already a success to begin with?

I'll tell you why; friggin' Quentin Tarantino. I read Battle Royale when I was fourteen years old, and when I was fourteen I wasn't allowed to watch anything Tarantino. I'm sure if my parents had read Battle Royale before me, they wouldn't have let me read that either. But the first Tarantino film I watched was Kill Bill, which showed off his stylistic qualities as a director. There was a bit of dark humour, and tons of violence and blood and gore. But it went deeper than that. It wasn't just a revenge movie. It delved into the psyche of the assassin, and had developed characters. Battle Royale is similar in that regard.

After my review on Battle Royale and the Hunger Games, I provided an analysis of the story and character development and so on. I casually mentioned how great it would be if he directed Battle Royale, but after thinking it over for a bit, I really realized how well-suited Tarantino would actually be. He had already worked with one of the original cast members of the 2000 version already, Chiaki Kuriyama (Go Go Yubari in Kill Bill, Chigusa in Battle Royale), so why not make the movie?

Drawbacks: Really, the only major drawback I see here is the fact that the movie has already been made. Tarantino has the basic outline for his movie already; he doesn't necessarily have to use all the same elements from the movie either. It would be all the gore and violence and foulness that was Battle Royale, with added style and a new interpretation.

But, I guess it boils down to repetitiveness. There has already been a movie, it did well, why reboot it so soon? *cough*Spiderman*cough*

REGARDLESS, this movie should be!

3: The Legend of Zelda
Directed by: Peter Jackson
Starring: David Kross, Willem Dafoe, Carey Mulligan, Dakota Goyo(?), Joey King(?)

This one doesn't even need explanation. You KNOW it would be amazing.
... but I will explain anyway.

It's an action-packed epic fantasy adventure with a vast landscape and a host of interesting characters. And there's a massive volcano as one of the plot points. Where have I seen that formula before? Long story short, if any director can take a well-known and loved game and turn it into a beautiful, action-y movie, it would be Jackson.

Also, I recall a few years ago, IGN released a trailer for a Legend of Zelda movie. There was huge excitement for this film even though the quality of the animation was sub-par, the costumes looked off, and te acting was very "meh." At least in my honest opinion. If this movie were to be made, I have no doubt in my mind that it would not only be outrageously awesome, but pretty successful too. I mean, LORD OF THE RINGS MEETS LEGEND OF ZELDA?! OH MY GOD I WOULD WET MYSELF WITH EXCITEMENT IN PERPETUAL FLOW UNTIL I EVENTUALLY DIED OF DEHYDRATION.

But I digress.

David Kross would probably make a really good Link I think. He's 22 years old, but still has a baby-face. He's an up-and-coming actor from Germany who hasn't been in too many movies to date, but he has done an excellent job in the one's he has been in (The Reader, Knallhart.) His younger counterpart, if he were to be included, would be Dakota Goyo, who has been praised as a natural actor with great emotional range.

Carey Mulligan, what can I say. Her subtleties as an actress are great, and subtleties are what can make or break a performance. She would be best suited (in my opinion) for the role of Zelda, and maybe also Sheik, but there is a bit of confusion regarding Sheik's gender (I will go in depth in the drawbacks section.) Her younger counterpart would be Joey King, who, despite her age, has been in many movies to date (not to mention, she's been cast as a minor character in The Dark Knight Rises, so automatic plus there.)

Willem Dafoe. Need I say more? He's a great villain. Even in Spiderman, he had some great moments (although they were few and far between, but hey, everyone has a bad performance once in a while.) I think he could pull off  the evil Gerudo King Ganon/Ganondorf very well. And his voice is just so dark and deep and intimidating! It would be a bit of work to get him to look the part, but it can be done.

Drawbacks: There are many. The game is about adventure and figuring out how to navigate your way through numerous temples and solving puzzles to get necessary items. The story is a very rinse, wash, and repeat save-the-princess formula.

And will they base the movie on the entire Zelda universe, or base it off one single game? My personal preference would be to base it off one game (Ocarina of Time), but then would that warrant a movie version of each game?

Will they go into each temple? That would make it a very long and repetitive movie, but they could split it into two films perhaps. If they were to base it off Ocarina of Time, they could split the movie up so the first one would be centred on young Link, and the second would be based off old Link.

Or will they scrap that idea completely like they did with the April Fools Day trailer and have adult Link throughout the movie?

Also, the protagonist Link is well known for never speaking. Should that be maintained in the movie? Is Link going to just be stoic and quiet (aside from the occasional "HYAA")? Would they give him dialogue?

And then there's the whole controversy with Sheik; is Sheik man-Zelda, or is Sheik just Zelda in drag? There is evidence for both theories. I can't go into detail on this controversy or else this already long post will be much longer. Here is where you can find a neat summary of the controversy. Read it!
So, should a man be cast as Sheik? Should Mulligan just be dressed in drag? Decisions, decisions!

Finally... Dammit, Navi was an annoying piece of work, eh?!

REGARDLESS, this movie should be!

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